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Rosacea is een aanhoudende huidaandoening die voornamelijk het gezicht aantast en meestal rond de leeftijd van 30 jaar verschijnt. Het komt even vaak voor bij zowel mannen als vrouwen en is zeldzaam bij kinderen. De kenmerkende tekenen en symptomen omvatten roodheid, de aanwezigheid van kleine, verwijde bloedvaten (rosacea), bultjes (papels), puistjes (pustels), en verdikking en zwelling van de huid. Mensen met rosacea kunnen een branderig of jeukend gevoel ervaren, evenals blozen, vergezeld van een warme sensatie.


Preventie & Behandeling



Vergrote Poriën




Onze Aanpak





Voor de behandeling van rosacea is eerst een consult nodig. Tijdens dit consult zullen we vragen stellen over medische aandoeningen, medicijngebruik en allergieën, omdat deze factoren van invloed kunnen zijn op de veiligheid en effectiviteit van de behandeling. We bepalen welke behandelingen geschikt zijn voor jouw huidtype en specifieke problemen. Tijdens het consult kun je ook eventuele vragen of zorgen bespreken. We behandelen niet alleen de symptomen, maar zoeken ook naar manieren om nieuwe huidproblemen te voorkomen.




































Huidverzorgingsproducten spelen een cruciale rol bij het beheersen en verminderen van rosacea. We bieden gepersonaliseerd productadvies op basis van jouw huidtype en de ernst van rosacea.


Het gebruik van de juiste thuisproducten, in combinatie met behandelingen en het begrijpen van je triggers, helpt rosacea te verminderen en de algehele gezondheid van de huid te verbeteren. Raadpleeg regelmatig je huidspecialist voor advies over producten en aanpassingen van je huidverzorgingsroutine.




























We bieden verschillende diensten aan om te helpen bij rosacea, de effecten ervan te verminderen en de kwaliteit van de huid te verbeteren. Een speciaal plan wordt speciaal voor jou opgesteld. Hier zijn enkele behandelingen die we kunnen gebruiken of combineren:


  1. Zachte Reiniging: We beginnen met een zachte reiniging om roodheid te verminderen en onzuiverheden te verwijderen. Dit helpt voorkomen dat rosacea erger wordt.

  2. Peeling: Verschillende peelings worden gebruikt om de bovenste laag van de huid te vernieuwen, waardoor deze gladder wordt en de algehele uitstraling verbetert.

  3. Lichttherapie: Deze behandeling maakt gebruik van specifiek licht om roodheid en ontsteking veroorzaakt door rosacea te verminderen, wat resulteert in een gezondere teint.


Onze huidspecialisten zullen je helpen bij het kiezen van de juiste behandeling. Indien nodig kunnen behandelingen voor rosacea worden gecombineerd met aanvullend advies of medicatie van je arts.





























Soms kan rosacea er na de behandeling iets erger uitzien, wat bekend staat als een "flare-up". Dit kan gebeuren als gevolg van bijwerkingen zoals huidirritatie, droogheid of roodheid. Het is echt belangrijk om je huid niet aan te raken of te krabben.


Volg de instructies van je huidspecialist zorgvuldig op en bespreek eventuele bijwerkingen die je opmerkt. We kunnen aanpassingen suggereren om bijwerkingen te verminderen en je huid te helpen herstellen.


Verbeteringen van rosacea-behandelingen duren even voordat ze zichtbaar zijn. Eerst richten we ons op het kalmeren van actieve rosacea voordat we ons concentreren op specifieke gebieden en eventuele resterende effecten. Na elke behandeling controleren we hoe het gaat en passen het plan indien nodig aan. Als je je zorgen maakt over veranderingen in je huid, praat dan met je huidspecialist voor meer advies en aanbevelingen.



  • What are the different types of acne?
    In acne, there are different levels: comedones (white and blackheads), papules (red bumps), and nodules (bumps) and pustules (pimples). It's important to get the right diagnosis of the type of acne to get the most effective treatment. We can assist in figuring out the specific kind of acne and create a suitable treatment plan.
  • How does acne develop?
    Acne is caused by a mix of things, including clogged oil glands, inflammation, and bacteria. This mix can lead to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. Our skin has oil glands that make oil to keep our skin smooth and hydrated. But when these oil glands get blocked, the oil can't escape, and this can result in the development of acne.\ In addition, hormonal changes, like during puberty or pregnancy, can increase oil production and make acne worse. Other factors that can affect acne include genetics, stress, or using certain medications. Bacteria, such as Propionibacterium acnes, can also play a role in causing acne by multiplying in the blocked oil glands. For this reason, it's important to combine a healthy skincare routine with treatments to keep acne under control."
  • What are the causes of acne?
    Acne happens in the oil glands when the skin pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This can allow bacteria, like Propionibacterium acnes, to grow and cause infection in the oil glands. The oil glands are in the deeper layers of the skin and produce oil, also called sebum, to protect and hydrate the skin. When the oil glands become too active, it can lead to an increase in oil production and clogging of the pores. This pore blockage can happen at any time, but acne usually starts in adolescence when the skin undergoes various changes due to hormones. Below are the main causes of acne: Hormones: Changes in hormones, like during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, can lead to an increase in sebum production, causing acne. Genetics: Acne is a condition inherited from family, and genetics play a role in developing it. Pore blockage: Natural oils produced by the skin can clog pores and lead to bacterial growth, causing acne. Inflammation: When bacteria enter blocked pores, it can cause inflammation, worsening acne. Diet: A diet high in sugar, dairy, and refined carbohydrates can contribute to acne. Stress: Stress can lead to hormonal changes and weaken the immune system, worsening acne."
  • Does my health insurance cover acne treatments?
    Acne facial treatments may be covered by supplementary health insurance. Some health insurers may have additional requirements, such as requiring a referral. Check with your health insurance provider to see to what extent your supplementary insurance covers the treatment costs.
  • Do products help with acne?
    A good skincare routine helps reduce or prevent acne. Here are some tips on product use and acne: Cleansing: It's important to clean your skin daily with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. This helps remove excess oil, dead skin cells, and other impurities. Exfoliation: Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells, helping to prevent pore blockages. Hydration: Applying a moisturizer or serum is important to keep your skin hydrated. To keep your skin in good condition, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Protection: Sun's UV rays can dry and irritate the skin, increasing oil production and bacteria growth, which can worsen acne. Choosing a product with high SPF and broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection is important. Some SPFs may contain ingredients that irritate the skin, like chemical filters or alcohol. It's essential to choose products suitable for sensitive skin and aimed at treating acne. Products: Avoid using cosmetics, skincare, or makeup that clogs pores, typically those that are oily or comedogenic. Our skin specialists can provide personal product advice on what might be suitable for your skin. It's important to remember that a skincare routine alone may not always be enough to treat acne. Treatments help additionally to get acne under control, moving towards beautiful skin.
  • What can microneedling do for you?
    Microneedling is a helpful treatment for many skin issues. Here's how it can help: Fine lines and wrinkles: Microneedling makes skin firmer and smoother by boosting collagen and elastin, reducing wrinkles. Acne scars: It can improve acne scars by making new skin and collagen, reducing their appearance. Enlarged pores: Microneedling tightens skin by boosting collagen around pores, making them smaller. Dark spots: It helps even out skin tone by renewing skin cells, reducing spots like age spots and sunspots. Stretch marks: Microneedling reduces stretch marks by making new skin and collagen, making them less visible. Skin looseness: It helps tighten loose skin by boosting collagen and elastin.
  • How many treatments are needed to see results and how often should they be done?
    The number of microneedling treatments needed to see visible results varies depending on the skin condition and the individual goals of the patient. Generally, multiple treatments are required to achieve optimal results. For mild skin issues like fine lines, wrinkles, and light hyperpigmentation, 3 to 5 treatments may be sufficient. For more severe skin problems such as deep acne scars, stretch marks, or significant hyperpigmentation, at least 6 to 8 treatments or more are needed. Microneedling treatments are typically performed at intervals of 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the depth, to allow the skin enough time to heal and to stimulate collagen and elastin production. It's important to follow the practitioner's recommendations and not schedule treatments too close together, as this may increase the risk of skin irritation or damage. After the initial series of treatments, maintenance treatments may be necessary, usually every 6 to 12 months, to preserve the results. The exact frequency of maintenance treatments depends on the individual skin condition and desired outcomes. Keep in mind that the results of microneedling become gradually visible as the skin renews itself and produces more collagen and elastin. Improvements in skin texture and the appearance of scars or other skin issues may become noticeable several weeks to months after the treatment.
  • Are there risks when doing microneedling?
    Infection: Though rare, there's a small risk of bacterial or viral infections due to the tiny injuries caused by microneedling. Scarring: In rare cases, microneedling may lead to the formation of new scars, especially in individuals prone to keloid or hypertrophic scars. Hyperpigmentation: There's a small risk of developing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after microneedling, particularly in people with darker skin tones. Unsatisfactory results: Some individuals may be disappointed with the outcomes of microneedling, especially if they have unrealistic expectations or if the treatment isn't suitable for their specific skin concern. To minimize risks and achieve optimal results, it's important to choose a clinic experienced in microneedling.
  • What are the costs of microneedling and is it covered by my health insurance?
    The cost of a single microneedling session ranges from €100 to €200, but this can vary depending on the method and area treated. Packages with multiple sessions are offered at a reduced rate since several treatments are usually needed to achieve optimal results. As for coverage by health insurance, this can vary depending on your specific insurance and policy terms. Microneedling is often considered a cosmetic or aesthetic treatment and is typically not covered by basic insurance plans. However, some supplemental insurance policies may offer partial or full coverage for microneedling, especially if the treatment is performed for medical reasons, such as reducing acne scars. It's important to contact your health insurance provider to check if microneedling is covered in your specific situation and to understand the applicable terms for coverage.
  • When not to do microneedling?
    1. Active acne: People with active acne should avoid microneedling because it can worsen inflammation and spread infection. 2. Skin infections: Microneedling should not be done on skin with open wounds, bacterial, or viral infections, like herpes or impetigo. 3. Rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis: People with these inflammatory skin conditions should be cautious with microneedling as it can worsen inflammation. 4. Keloid or hypertrophic scars: Those prone to developing abnormal scars should avoid microneedling as it may cause more scar tissue. 5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Microneedling should be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding because hormonal changes can affect skin sensitivity. 6. Blood thinners or certain medications: People using blood thinners or certain medications, like isotretinoin (an acne medication), should avoid microneedling due to an increased risk of bleeding or other complications. 7. Recent laser treatments or chemical peels: It's important to wait enough time between microneedling and other aggressive skin treatments to minimize the risk of irritation or skin damage.
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